Christian Fierens – Reading L’etourdit – First Turn – Chapter 4 – The Phallic Function And The Formulae Of Sexuation
THE LETTER 53 Summer 2013, pages 1-39.
Let us take phallic functioning up again starting from the Oedipus complex summarised in the first two formulae of the phallic function. What oblig-es us to go beyond the Freudian Oedipus complex formulated in that way?
Free association and the equally floating listening open up the path of ab-sense and of an saying freed from the search for a relationship between meanings. The experience of analysis demonstrates the ab-sense of sexual relationship: there is no relationship between the existences (‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’: nia and nya) and there is no relationship between the two universals (mascu-line and feminine). The masculine Oedipus complex cannot define ‘feminin-ity’.
Reading L’etourdit – First Turn – Chapter 4
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