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Lieven Jonckheere. On the Franchissement of Anxiety in Lacan’s Seminar X


THE LETTER 34 (Summer 2005) pages 70-90


Am I a Lacanian specialist in anxiety?


I do not believe that any specialisation whatsoever makes any sense for a psychoanalyst: ‘being a psychoanalyst’ and ‘being a specialist’ are mutually exclusive. Nevertheless sometimes I am considered to be a specialist in the Lacanian theory and clinic of anxiety. Why?


Long ago I was an assistant at the Department of Psychology of the University of Ghent (Flanders, Belgium). I suppose that at that time I must have been a model representative of the university discourse, because I had this crazy idea that it should be possible to read, understand, classify and combine, everything Freud and Lacan had written and said on any subject, for instance anxiety. So, I embarked upon a doctoral thesis on anxiety.

On the Franchissement of Anxiety in Lacan’s Seminar X

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