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  • Welcome to Issue 59/60 of The Letter, Irish Journal for Lacanian Psychoanalysis.


    Excerpt from the Editorial:


    "We have two objectives in mind in bringing you this double issue of The Letter. The first is to continue the chapter by chapter serialisation of Christian Fierens’ Second Reading of Lacan’s L’Etourdit (2012) and the second is to bring you a number of the presentations arising from the Inter-cartel Study Day of The Irish School for Lacanian Psychoanalysis ISLP held in June.


    Chapter 3 The Logics of Sexuation, I would argue is the most important chapter,but also the most challenging of this Second Reading of Fierens. A few remarks: How to understand the logic of the psychoanalytic discourse ‘distinguished from any other by its specific ‘reference’ to the phallus’? The formulae of sexuation – pure logical formulae – have shed all the trappings that,in our prior imaginings, might link them with men or women in their personages.


    The first ‘masculine’ formula ‘for all x phi of x’ has, in L’Etourdit cometo specify that ‘for every subject (x), it is a question of a re-launching (phi)’ ofthe phallic function. Note that phallic re-launching is a mechanism internal tothe signifier. The second formula ‘there exists an x not-phi of x’ the exception to the phallic re-launch, must come to exist to serve as a supporting point –however fleeting – for this same phallic re-launch from which it is excepted.


    A semblance that falls, the exception does not contradict the ‘for all’. To use a phrase of Le Gaufey’s, it serves as both ‘obstacle and support’."


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    Issue 59 & 60 - Summer/Autumn 2015

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