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  • Welcome to Issue 54 of The Letter, Irish Journal for Lacanian Psychoanalysis.


    Excerpt from the Editorial:


    "The publication of Cormac Gallagher’s translation of Guy Le Gaufey’s acclaimed book Lacan’s Notall: Logical Consistency, Clinical Consequences in four segments, reaches completion in the current issue of The Letter with the appearance of the third chapter, Some Clinical Consequences of the Logical Difference between the Sexes. The sequencing and timing of the appearance of the four segments was again decided by the teaching and research interests of members of ISLP who were drawn to study different areas of the book at different times. Many made do with earlier proofs, particularly of chapter two Towards a Critical Reading of the Formulae of Sexuation which are now well thumbed and dog-eared, such was the excitement in 2006 when we were introduced to Le Gaufey’s reading of the formulae. This middle chapter was finally published in 2008 in the first issue (Issue 39) of a re-defined journal The Letter Irish Journal for Lacanian Psychoanalysis, with chapter one appearing in 2010 (Issue 45) and a scholion in 2011 (issue 47).


    Regarding chapter two, this served as the primary text for my own teaching over an eight year period in the School of Psychotherapy at St Vincent’s Uni-versity Hospital where, I observed, that its subject matter captivated many. We now bring you chapter three, which has a wide-ranging content not fully captured in the title Clinical Consequences… In the early sections, Le Gaufey forever ties down where, in the Three Essays, Freud with the use of the remarkable word ‘solders’, essentially allows for an originating absence of rap-port between the sexes. ‘..The sexual instinct and the sexual object are merely soldered together’, Freud says, thereby refuting a whole tradition where ‘every deviation with respect to a ‘properly’ soldered Trieb and Objekt – genital maturity, so called – ‘allowed the new concept of “perversion” to be thought out with the musty smell of unhealthy pathology’."


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    Issue 54 - Autumn 2013

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