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  • Welcome to Issue 40 of The Letter, Irish Journal for Lacanian Psychoanalysis.


    Excerpt from the Editorial:


    "For ten weeks, from late November 2008 to late January 2009, Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers remained at number one in the New York Times list of Bestselling Non-fiction. A curious coincidence between the date of Barrack Obama’s election victory and the date of his inauguration.


    But the popularity of the book and that of the new President of the United States is perhaps not coincidental. They both promise reader and voter alike great rewards – though at the price of enormous effort.


    Of the two, Gladwell is the more specific. We need no reminding of Obama’s mantra: Can we get out of this economic and Social catastrophe? Yes we can! Gladwell is on message. Can you become a master in your chosen field? Yes you can! But only if you are willing to spend ten thousand hours working on whatever basic talent you have in order to bring it to perfection.


    Ten thousand hours means three to four hours a day every day of the year for ten years! In the Irish School for Lacanian analysis we are beginning to see the fruit produced by some of those who have engaged in such a long term single minded effort."


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    Issue 40 - Spring 2009

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