Welcome to Issue 36 of The Letter, Irish Journal for Lacanian Psychoanalysis.
Excerpt from the Editorial:
"We welcome the reader to the thirty-sixth issue of The Letter with the proceedings of the A.P.P.I. annual congress held on 26th November 2005[1]. The principle theme of the congress was the examination and exegesis of Jacques Lacan’s twenty-first seminar: Les non-dupes errent. The consonance of les non-dupes errent with les noms du père is anything but haphazard as Lacan will tell us very early on in the seminar:
In these two terms put into words, les noms du pere and les nondupes qui errent, it is the same knowledge…. It is the same knowledge in the sense that the unconscious is a knowledge from which the subject can decipher himself.[2]
It is precisely to this knowledge that contributors to the symposium based on Lacan’s seminar at the congress dedicated themselves. This issue of the journal features all of the contributions made at this symposium. According to the tradition that we continue greatly to appreciate, Cormac Gallagher began the day’s proceedings with his own experience of the seminar: both as an attendee in Paris in 1973-1974, and through his reading of the unedited French manuscripts over the past year whilst working on its translation into English. In his paper, Cormac reflects at a certain moment on the probability that of the seven or eight hundred attendees at the seminar, barely ten people present actually understood what Lacan was talking about."
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Issue 36 - Spring 2006
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