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  • Welcome to Issue 33 of The Letter, Irish Journal for Lacanian Psychoanalysis.


    Excerpt from the Editorial:


    "In the opening session of his seminar – Encore – Lacan remarks to his audience that he is always amazed about his being there again, to address his audience again, and that they, his audience, are there… again. While I cannot compare the ‘laborious journeying’ which takes him again and again to that particular place of address, to my own efforts in bringing you
    – encore – to this location, I can admit to being somewhat amazed that yet again I have the privilege of bringing to you a manifold of ideas, thoughts and theses, in the collection of articles which comprise this issue of The Letter. All of these articles were presented at the eleventh annual congress of the Association for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in Ireland, held on 12th and 13th November 2004. The congress was entitled On Feminine Sexuality: The Limits of Love and Knowledge, and indeed, many of those who presented their work at the congress made use of Lacan’s Seminar XX in order to furnish their discursions. In this issue we present to you a number of those presentations. We can look forward to further contributions from the congress in later issues.


    This issue opens then with Cormac Gallagher’s presentation to the congress. In Re-Englishing Encore, Cormac points up the consequences of things (and people) getting ‘lost in translation’. One of these consequences is that for most of the English-speaking readership of the ‘authentic versions’ of Lacan’s work, aspects of his discourse are simply not permitted, .or worse, misrepresented. In his paper, Cormac highlights a range of such omissions and inexplicable translation decisions that have (mis)guided large numbers of readers."


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    Issue 33 - Spring 2005

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