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  • Welcome to Issue 10 of The Letter, Irish Journal for Lacanian Psychoanalysis.


    Excerpt from the Editorial:


    "In the field of psychoanalysis, more so than in any other discipline, the tension between ‘instituting’ analysis and ‘institutionalising’ analysis is palpable and never more so than when the ethics of its praxis rear up to counter the demand that it conform to a format which is acceptable to the prevailing cultural structure in which it finds itself. To meet with the demand that it take unto itself the identifying features, – the uniform-ity, – of a profession like any other so that it would be ‘at ease’ in society, would certainly miss the rendezvous with the dis-ease inherent to civilisation itself and the effect of socialisation. This risks sounding like the usual (and not terribly imaginative) platitude drawn upon when psychoanalysis finds itself with its back against the wall of ‘others’ forcing it to account for itself in their terms. The debate becomes more interesting however if we remind ourselves that when Lacan was applying himself to Freud a lettre the dis-ease with his theory and praxis provoked an outraged response not from society but from the psychoanalytic society. Here it seems less a question of whether psychoanalysis can be tolerated by society than it is a question of whether those who practice the discipline can tolerate their relation with psychoanalysis itself."


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    Issue 10 - Summer 1997

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