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Donat Desmond – God is Nowhere – Psychoanalysis – Negative Ontology, Negative Theology


THE LETTER 52 Spring 2013, pages 47-55


The ambiguity or pun in the title ‘God is now here’,‘God is no where‘ is entirely intentional as it explores Lacan’s subject engaged in the task of analysis depicted as a ‘negative ontology’ influenced by Hegels concept of ‘Begierde’ (Desire) and Heidegger’s concept of ‘Dasein’ (Being there) or alternately as a ‘negative theology’ where the later Lacan’s RSI facilitates a God of the Real which is neither of the Symbolic or the Imaginary. This article does not argue in an evidential way regarding the superiority of one position over another but argues that both have validity within a Lacanian reading where truth is a subjective ontological position rather than an objective epistemological position.


Keywords: epistemology, ontology, Hegel, Heidegger, RSI, sinthome, lack.

God is Nowhere – Psychoanalysis – Negative Ontology, Negative Theology

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