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Christian Fierens – From One Turn to the Other


THE LETTER 53 Summer 2013, pages 41-46.


The starting point of psychoanalytic logic is the Heteros, the ‘notall’. If Plato’s Parmenides opens out onto the Heteros, we must nevertheless await the coming of the practice of ab-sense or psychoanalysis to set en route the logic of the Heteros; for it is only in ‘the equivocation of the signifie’ that the logic of the ‘notall’ appears as logic of the impossible or logic of the re-versal proper to the roundabout of discourses. Already at work in the firsttwo phallic formulae, especially in these naval manoeuvres and these dances with which history is woven, the ‘notall’ must be explained in a second turn.

From One Turn to the Other

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