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Helena Texier – Desire Unto Death – Childsplay


THE LETTER 30 (Spring 2004) pages 77-86


Earlier on the week I noticed that in the course of Seminar II Lacan says the following: You can disprove Hegel but not the Song of Sixpence. And I was delighted because I knew my presentation today would derive much more from what I owe to the likes of Sing-a-Song-of-Sixpence than to what the field of philosophy had to offer.


My contribution to today’s proceedings certainly – undeniably -owes a great deal to my memory of the many revolutions in our field in the mid-60’s. This field – Our field – is not that of psychoanalysis. It is rather the Our-field-that-was-opposite-our-house, and which was the venue for childsplay, a staging of all of the local children’s productions. The revolutions then are not those of the streets of Paris May ’68, nor are they those revolutions in thinking attributed to Lacan’s seminars. Rather, the revolutions refer to the endless circuits of our field (the one opposite our house) executed by myself and my childhood comrades; revolutions in the field of enjoyment then.

Desire Unto Death – Childsplay

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