Malachi McCoy – An Intolerable Rejection
The Letter Issue 66-67 (Autumn 2017/Spring 2018) Pages 3-10
In New Studies on Hysteria, Charles Melman identifies four concepts: traumatism, incompatibility, repression and unconscious. Beyond the image is to be found a repressed and rejected cast-off; the constitution of whom, Melman asserts, is freshly preserved. Unremittingly, this original signifier’s infiltration presents the hysteric’s psychosomatic manifestations. Sounding out that foreign body, Freud’s discovery assures us that psychoanalysis alone, in deciphering the language of symptomatology, gives recognition to and discharges that real place of suffering.
Keywords: Freud; Melman; repression; hysteria; incompatible; rejection; signifier.
An Intolerable Rejection
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