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Cormac Gallagher – A Stranger To Myself


Issue 65 (Summer 2017) Pages 89-97


Alienation in the Spiritual Exercises


The need for Ignatian Spirituality to engage with Freudian psychoanalysis.


Keywords: Ignatian Exercises; Id quod volo; Freud; Lacan; Psychoanalysis


What I do is me: for that I came.

                                                              Gerard Manley Hopkins


What did I come into this world to do?

The honest man, I take it, comes to his spiritual guide with some such question as this. The praxis set out by St. Ignatius under the name of Spiritual Exercises gives the one to whom this question is addressed some indications as to what he should say and do in reply. It is his vocation to support the desire of the man who in asking so radical a question has exposed himself in his weakness to the uncompromising demands that may be made of him.

A Stranger To Myself

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