Flavia Goian – A Commentary on the Twelfth Session of Lacans’s XXIVth Seminar
THE LETTER 62 Summer 2016, pages 19-35
This paper is a commentary on some intriguing facets to his teaching introduced by Lacan in this final session of his seminar of ‘76 – ’77 I’Insu que sait de l’unebévue s’aile à mourre. The appearance of the bookPolylogue by Julia Kristeva is the opportunity for Lacan to tackle the question of his position with respect tolinguistics. Essentially this is that no linguistics has value for Lacan other than ‘linguisterie’, that is to say, a linguistics which takes psychoanalysis into account. In addition, he distinguishes between metatongue andmetalanguage by articulating them together: because there is no metalanguage, metatongue is nothing otherthan translation. In this context, he revisits Jeremy Bentham’s ground-breaking work of the 18th century on the utility of fictions and the finely balanced economy thereby wrought. An economy that regulates our pain and our pleasure but that nonetheless leaves a gap – as ultimately discerned by Freud in Beyond the Pleasure Principle. It is in a revision of the problem of the ethics of psychoanalysis that Lacan refers to Bentham in that this ethics hinges on an orientation of man in relation to the real. Bentham’s effort is founded upon a dialectic of the relation of language to the real in order to place the good on the side of the real, which breaks from the Aristotelian ethic of the Beautiful, the Well and the Good. Furthermore, Lacan relies on the distinction made by Bentham between fictional entites and real entites to unlock the dialectic between the real and the symbolic.
A Commentary on the Twelfth Session of Lacans’s XXIVth Seminar
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