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Schizophrenia and Psychoanalysis

The Letter, Issue 40, Spring 2009, Pages 1 - 5

Schizophrenia and Psychoanalysis: Brief Observations from Contemporary American Psychiatric Literature

Kevin Malone

Based on opening remarks to the conference Schizophrenia 1908-2008: - Psychosis and Psychoanalysis, this article reflects on the current status of psychoanalysis within modern American psychiatry and the fact that it no longer occupies the privileged position it once enjoyed. While it recognises that psychoanalysis is no longer the dominant paradigm within organised psychiatry, it also suggests that the psychodynamic approach to psychopathology still has a valuable contribution to make.

Keywords: Bleuler; schizophrenia; psychoanalysis; psychiatry; dialogue

Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to welcome you to St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin for today’s seminar on Schizophrenia 1908 - 2008' Psychosis and Psychoanalysis. I would particularly like to thank the organisers for today’s event, especially Cormac Gallagher, Tom Dalzell and Fiona O'Brien-Lavin for their efforts. I think special congratulations are in order for their successful application to the Wellcome Trust to sponsor this event. I think this is a very important development for education and learning in Irish mental health.

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