Carol Owens – To Work Perchance to Love
THE LETTER 33 (Spring 2005) pages 72-90
To speak about love, Lacan says, is in itself an enjoyment, a jouissense. So we must be enjoying ourselves today! And it is indeed at the level of the enjoyment that I want to focus our attention here on coupled-subjects who – for all that we may accept are – unrelated sexually, nonetheless persist in the direction of an enjoyment which they posit as commensurate with the couple-relationship. What I want to examine in particular are the ways in which the narration of couple-relationships may be said to abduce certain discourses, and in turn, the ways in which subjects take up a position in a discourse in order to provide themselves with a formula by which the sexual relationship may be written, and love, spoken.
But, love is impossible says Lacan, and the sexual relationship drops into the abyss of nonsense.
To Work Perchance to Love
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