Christian Fierens - To move or not to move
From a Group’s Symptom to a Transmission Through the Sinthome
The transmission of psychoanalysis is impossible through the group as it always implies identification to an ideal. It is only possible through the movements of what we presume to be true. The Lacanian topology has to cope with these movements. The immobile Freudian symptom becomes then the constantly moving « sinthome ». There we find the true transmission of psychoanalysis.
Keywords: Identification; transmission of psychoanalysis; symptom; sinthome
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Issue 71 now available
The latest issue of The Letter is now available as a both a print issue and as a pdf. Head to the shop to purchase your copy. (Full Access members will receive their issue in the post as part of their subscription.)
Dedicated to the memory of Charles Melman, issue 71 collects together in one volume the rich contribution made to The Letter by Charles Melman over the last 30 years. This issue also contains several articles by Charles Melman appearing in English translation for the first time.
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