Christian Fierens – The Real of Lacan in the Treatment of Psychosis
THE LETTER 55 & 56 Spring/Summer 2014, pages 65-73.
The concept of lack in Lacanian theory leads to the Lacanian Real. How can the Real take the place of a conception of psychosis as a lack in the Symbolic, thought of as foreclosure of the Name-of-the-father? Reality appears in connection with the possible. The Real is in connection with the impossible. The psychoanalytic discourse is the science of the Real in so far as it is touched in the meeting with the impossible. It is possible to focus on this Real in the approach to psychosis.
Keywords: lack; logic of the truth; logic of the way to err; borromean knot; the groove of the real; lack of resources; resilience
The Real of Lacan in the Treatment of Psychosis
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