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James O’Connor – No words to say it? Exploratory Thoughts on Fierens’ ‘Equanimity’ of Speaking and ‘Autistic’ Positions in the Psychoanalytical Discourse


The Letter 59 & 60 Summer – Autumn 2015, pages 47-56


In his Second Reading of Lacan’s L’Etourdit, Christian Fierens introduces the autistic discourse – equating it to that of the speaker ‘…What the speaker says or what the autistic does…’. Speech presents itself in the form of statements (énoncés), but also silences: ‘Look! I am silent. Look! He is silent. Silence being a potential statement. Yet Lacan speaks of Anxiety as that which remains unspoken while Freud introduced the return of the repressed: the very eruption of the soma – an encounter with the Real? – a consequence of repression – a silence! The psychoanalytic act (out), which Fierens insists the analyst ‘…must be doing…’. ‘…Abstinence has nothing to do with doing nothing…’

No words to say it?

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