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  • Welcome to Issue 22 of The Letter, Irish Journal for Lacanian Psychoanalysis.


    Excerpt from the Editorial:


    "Everyone who has at some time taken up a reading of Seminar XI will be familiar with the story of Choang-tsu included in it, a reference that contributed to the view of Lacan as a kind of Zen Master. To remind you, the story that Lacan recalls for his audience concerns a man, the aforementioned Choang-tsu, who falls asleep and dreams that he is a butterfly and who, upon waking, wonders whether perhaps he is a butterfly who is only dreaming that he is Choang-tsu. Despite the apparent absurdity of this fleeting thought, Lacan says it is enough for us to be able to infer from it that Choang-tsu is not mad – and this because it testifies to the incompleteness of this subject’s identification with ‘Choang-tsu’, that ‘Choang-tsu’ does not cover all that he is. And it is this seed of doubt, planted in the beat of time between the opening and closing of a butterfly’s wings, a dreamer’s eyelids, and the fleeting space which it wedges open, that prevents the cascade towards a ‘Return to Schreber’."


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    Issue 22 - Summer 2001

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