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  • Welcome to Issue 11 of The Letter, Irish Journal for Lacanian Psychoanalysis.


    Excerpt from the Editorial:


    "This issue of the journal sees the light of day on the same morning as the guests assemble in the hall of the Education and Research Centre of St. Vincent’s Hospital for the fourth annual November congress of the association for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in Ireland. Returning to the great hall and the many guests of the opening lines of the inaugural dream :psychoanalysis serves as a reminder that, whatever happens on the day, its essence is rooted in something which was inaugurated and transmitted by Freud and which was carried forward by Lacan’s return to what the essence of Freud’s work implicitly inaugurates: The Unconscious structured as a language; the primacy of the signifier.


    This issue of THE LETTER, beginning with William J. Richardson’s article* on a subject who ceases to write in the encounter with what never ceases being written and ending with Cormac Gallagher’s Spare ‘Despair’, continues that tradition."


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    Issue 11 - Autumn 1997

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