Christian Ingo Lenz Dunker – Comments on the Presentations Given by Ian Parker and Kazushige Shingu
THE LETTER 37 (Summer 2006) pages 114-119
The text written by Kazushige Shingu examines the relations between the symptomatic expressions of anorexia and eating disorders with certain mythical narratives from the Japanese Buddhism. Thus a curious association between eating and mourning is brought up, especially that of a mother mourning the loss of a child. The argument’s clinical details are very persuasive. They show thematic and discursive similarities between the trajectory of unresolved mourning and the saga of mythical heroes. An analogy is suggested between the present experience of a Japanese young woman and many ordeals or obstacles faced by the gods, considering that they both aim at resolving an initial state of unbalance and conflict with the same type of narrative resort.
Comments on the Presentations Given by Ian Parker and Kazushige Shingu
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